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- 0.2
- 0.2.2
- A New Earth
- A New Earth, Awakening to your life's purpose
- A guided tour through the Omega Research Wiki
- A guided tour through this Wiki
- Behaviorism versus Humanism, an Integration; Application of the Cognition Energy Learning Model (CEL) on an old controversy
- Benefactors of the Omega Research Foundation
- Beyond Civilization, Humanity's Next Great Adventure
- Beyond Civilization, humanity's next great adventure
- Black Mass, Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia
- Characteristics of human behaviour before and after Point Omega
- Contemporary weakening of the foundations of Power Structures
- Curiosity replacing fear, rather than science replacing belief systems
- Directives for after Point Omega
- Eating from the Forbidden Fruit
- Energy and Strokes
- Energy and Strokes: how the quality of relationships influences the process of learning and individual development
- Enlightenment
- Escaping from Chaos: Temperamental Personality Traits in terms of Social-Role Probabilities
- Eternal youth
- Existential friction: Homo sapiens at the interface between the gene- and the meme evolution
- Fantastisch, over het universum in ons hoofd
- First Aid page
- First Aid pages
- Fransje de Waard (2010), Spiritual Crisis, Varieties and Perspectives of a Transpersonal Phenomenon
- Further reading
- Genetic pollution precluding social stability
- Good and Bad, an illusory dimension as the cornerstone of human personality
- Hans van der Dennen
- Help to Escape from Religion
- Impersonal Power Structures ruling our world
- Information page Omega-Research Foundation
- K.A.I. and Changes in Social Structures: on the Anatomy of Catastrophy
- Learning from aversive experiences; the effect of timing
- Main Page
- Movie pictures and websites on related subjects
- Novelty theory
- Omega Research:About
- Omega Research:Community Portal
- Omega Research:General disclaimer
- Omega Research:Map
- Omega Research:Privacy policy
- Omega Research:Sandbox
- Omega Research:Site support
- Omega Research:Videos and websites on related subjects
- Omega Research Foundation
- Personality Traits in terms of Social-Role Probabilities; an innovative theoretical essay on the possibility of overcoming the chaotic diversity in personality theories
- Personality differences in House mice
- Personality of Mice and Men
- Personality of Mice and Men; re-arranging personality dimensions in a six-dimensional adjective space
- Point Omega (summary)
- Popko Peter van der Molen
- Popko van der Molen
- Rename test
- Rename test 2
- Reversal Theory
- Rowan Rodrik van der Molen
- Selection pressure for high as well as for low levels of intelligence in modern Homo sapiens
- Self-blindness in humans as prerequisite for the evolution of advanced intelligence
- Sorcerer's Apprentice, my life with Carlos Castaneda
- Straw Dogs, Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals
- Striving, Playing and Learning
- The God Delusion
- The Omega Point
- The Origin of War
- The biological instability of social equilibria
- The biological instability of social equilibria (abstract)
- The effects of genetic pollution on political structures and human history
- The end of locality
- The end of the second intermediary phase before any evolving intelligence, whenever and wherever in the universe, reaches maturity and full deployment
- The end of the second intermediary phase before any evolving intelligence, whenever and wherever in the universe, reaches maturity and full deployment.
- The end of the second intermediary phase before any evolving intelligence reaches maturity and full deployment.
- The end of the world
- The evolution of Gene-structures and of Meme-structures
- The evolutionary stability of a bi-stable system of emotions and motivations in species with an open-ended capacity for learning
- The significance of the Point Omega transition
- To finally put an end to war, destruction, genocide and wholesale rape
- To finally put an end to war, destruction, genocide and wholesale rape.
- To finally put an end to war, genocide, wholesale rape and the destruction of the living world
- Towards a Cognition-Energy-Learning Model
- Towards a Cognition-Energy-Learning Model (1)
- What it means to be human
- Why a Point Omega transition ?
- Why never peace ?