Omega Research:Site support

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Donations and gifts: your support is important to us

The Omega Research Foundation has been established to boost awareness of human possibilities and the future human potential. Therefore our foundation supports research in the area of human development and psychological and social functioning. Its focus is in particular on the possibility of a major transition of society as has been predicted and described in the course of history by many sources from many cultures. Such a transition has for instance been labeled by the paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin as “Point Omega”.

Apart from messages from historical prophets and clairvoyants there appears to be on the other hand also a surprising scientific support for the idea that humanity is at the brink of a major evolutionary and developmental psychological shift. The Omega Research Foundation’s focus is on such (novel) scientific data regarding such a shift.

Besides supporting relevant scientific research, the foundation also stimulates and organizes the wide distribution of all relevant information regarding the psychological and social mechanisms involved in this transition, evoking the widest possible involvement and support.

For the realization of our goals we are fully dependent on contributions from third parties like gifts, donations, sponsoring and legacies. The Omega Research Foundation has been granted the "ANBI" status by the Dutch authorities (RSIN/fiscal 816643854; KvK nr.: 41010600). Gifts or donations are therefore tax-deductible.

You can support the Omega project by:

Copying this Wiki 
Spread sober awareness widely
A one time gift 
The quickest way to support us just now.
Becoming a Donor / Benefactor 
Monthly or yearly support
Gifts at regular intervals 
Support us with the best tax advantages
A legacy 
Register financial support by legacy to us through a notary public

Summary of possibilities for donating to Omega Research Foundation
One time gift Benefactor/Donor Series of Tax deductible Yearly Gifts Legacies
Minimum amount any amount € 5 /month or € 25 /year in case of € 250 /year or more: no costs for notary public
Taxes deductible with a minimum deductible with a minimum deductible in total no inheritance tax
Method of payment Paypal / credit card or bank transfer authorization of automatic transfers through Paypal through notary deed
minimum of 5 years, in equal yearly gifts
through notary public in last will
To where and how to ABN/AMRO bank account number NL 65 ABNA 0 57 07 92 592 of Omega Research Foundation / "gift" automatic through Paypal authorized automatic transfers and sent per mail, legalization by notary public of signature, + copy of passport to ABN/AMRO bank account number NL 65 ABNA 0 57 07 092 592 of Omega Research Foundation / "gift"
Quid pro quo if over € 1.000 donated, option to be included in published list of benefactors
Other expires automatically after decease

Copy this wiki (our version of 'CopyRight')

We make regular dumps of the complete wiki as it is at certain points in time. You can download this dump. Then, if ever this wiki is taken off-line by some angry third party, a recent copy of the entire Wiki is still available elsewhere and can continue its development from other places. For that reason we advise you, after downloading this dump, to distribute it among your trusted friends who like to support you in this act of information-transparency-insurance, and who are capable of installing MediaWiki and the dump to a mirror site. In that way you help to secure the indestructability of the information, assembled and developed on this Wiki and so to stabilize a lasting transparency of information about the root issues of human existence and survival. Thus you help to consolidate the emergence of point Omega and to secure the foundation of conscious human evolution. Help humanity to survive in a more agreeable way, download now !

Contributing to the content of this Wiki

This Wiki originally has been set up as a medium for publishing the findings and comments from the contributor, registered on this Wiki as Baby Boy, and for interaction with readers. However, because the Wiki off late has suffered under attacks from automatized advertizement campaigns that are programmed to replace pages from the Wiki with all sorts of advertizements from sales organizations, we have had to block free access to this Wiki. Therefore, if readers wish to contribute in a serious way, they can send their contributions, comments or critique by e-mail to, the manager coordinator of this Wiki. We welcome any constructive contributions.

Tax deductable financial support

The Omega Research Foundation is an organization for the common good. This implies that gifts, donations and sponsoring from companies as well as from private persons are tax deductable.

The "Stichting Omega-Research Foundation" has previously been registered in The Netherlands as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) and continued registration is pending (april 2017). See here for more information about this foundation.

  • Chamber of Commerce Code: 41010600 (KvK Noord Nederland).
  • RSIN, Fiscal ANBI nr.: 8166.43.854 (RSIN = Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden InformatieNummer).
  • Adress regular mail: Molenweg 15, 9761 VB Eelde, The Netherlands
  • E-mail:;;
  • Web address:
  • #31-50-3096926
  • Chairman: J.J. van der Molen, Poitiers, France
  • Secretary/Treasurer: P.P. van der Molen, Eelde, The Netherlands

The statutes of the Stichting Omega-Research Foundation are formulated in Dutch. An English version of the goals and objectives of the foundation can be found here on this Wiki.

For private persons from The Netherlands there is a difference in tax deductablity between 1) a one time gift or donation and 2) a fixed series of donations (“periodieke schenking”).

One time gift

The quickest way to support our project is a one time gift on line. Through this site you can transfer an amount of Euro 25 or any other amount. Give your support now !


You can also transfer your contribution to:

Bank acoount nr.: NL65ABNA 0 57 07 92 592 with ABN/AMRO Bank

of the Omega Research Foundation, declaring “Gift”.

(BIC code: ABNANL2A)

Becoming a Donor / Benefactor

You can become a Donor or Benefactor of the foundation from €5 per month or €25 per year on. That way you support our work for the enhancement and the understanding of Point Omega.

The easiest and quickest method to become a monthly or yearly Donor is through PayPal.

You also can become a Donor by filling out the application form for monthly or yearly donations. In that case however, the minimum amounts are € 25 /month and € 100 /year because of extra administrative costs.

Change of address can be sent to us by e-mail. Cancellation of donorship can also be communicated by e-mail. Our e-mail address is

Gifts at regular intervals with maximum tax benefits

In case you wish to support our work in the most tax deductable way, then you may decide for a periodic gift during a series of years through a notary deed.

The advantage of this method is that in The Netherlands the tax authorities will reimburse part of your gift by making the amounts involved fully deductible from income tax without any limit. The only requirement is that the gifts are being paid in equal yearly sums during at least five years.

In case you wish to utilize this method with at least €200 per year, we offer to arrange the notary deed in question, free of charge. In that case you proceed as follows:

  • Fill out the proxy form for donations through a notary deed, signed by yourself and (in case applicable) your partner. Make a copy for yourselves;
  • Have your signature legalized by a notary public of your choice;
  • Send the proxy in an envelop to: Omega Research Foundation, Molenweg 15, 9761 VB Eelde, The Netherlands;
  • Add a copy of your passport, driving licence or identity card and also of your partner (if applicable).

Within four weeks the official deed (act of donation) will be prepared by the notary public and will be sent to you through us.

The act of donation serves as proof for tax deductability (for The Netherlands under the heading of ‘periodieke giften’). We advise to also keep a copy of the bank transfer statement.

The act of donation expires after decease. Your descendants therefore do not inherit obligations.

For further information about donating you may contact us through e-mail:


It is possible to appoint the Omega Research Foundation as (one of) your inheritor(s) or to donate a specific amount as a legacy. That way you support our Omega Research Project also after your decease.

The Omega Research Foundation is an organization for the common good. This implies that legacies are not due to taxation.

For further information about legacies you may contact us through e-mail:

Registration of donorship

Donors may choose to be included in the published list of benefactors of the Omega Research Foundation. In case the total amount donated is € 1.000 or more, the donor's name can be included in the list of benefactors, which is published in order of donated amounts. Donors can have their names removed from the list at any time.