Black Mass, Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia

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This recent book by John Gray, another bestseller, works like a washing machine for contemporary belief systems, superstition and political convictions. Readers of this book should be prepared to see many of their cherished beliefs turned into shreds and to perhaps see their purpose in life and their sense of determination evaporate in thin air. Basic concepts in our culture and our political systems are subjected to occams razor and to the sobering effects of objective reason and realism.

Gray's discourse should be obligatory reading for politicians and leaders in government. That would help prevent much of the delusions and misguidance that humanity keeps suffering from the hands of their leaders.

Below we add a short selection of Gray's text, showing in a nutshell what Gray is trying to convey in this book. Subsequently we will point out where, in our case, we differ from Gray's point of view and what we would like to add to his story in order to make the picture more complete and understandable.

                                                      • scans van een stuk of 5 pagina's *****************