A New Earth

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Eckhart Tolle: A New Earth, Awakening to your life's purpose

For positive or negative reviews of this book on the Amazon site see: Amazon reviews

We consider Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth, awakening to your life's purpose" as a valuable new contribution to our understanding of the human condition and a worthy sequel to his "The Power of Now". In our view it is one of the contemporary books that no doubt help to prepare the way to the Point Omega transition. That is why we discuss it here.

Tolle describes the sub-optimal neurotic states most of us are in. These states pass for "normal" and he explains in great detail the alternatives that are possible and available to us instead of those sub-optimal states. He also presents a number of practical methods to enhance the development in oneself of those more agreeable alternative states of being. As such, it is another guide to enlightenment, and a rather effective guide at that.

In order to increase the effectiveness of Eckhart Tolle's book, we will give below a number of additional facts and notions that can make the story of "A New Earth" more complete, easier to fully understand and thus more effective.

We will point out a couple of blank spots of missing information in his book, which we will fill out and also some issues that we interpret in a somewhat different way in order to make the total picture still more comprehensive and easier to understand from an evolutionary point of view.

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