Directives for after Point Omega

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(This page is under construction; to be added: text for issues 9 through 15; + links to other articles on this Wiki)

Lost perspectives, . . . . . what next ?

<level 1>   Right now, in the beginning of the 21st century, we are living in a period in which the greater ideological movements have lost most of their appeal.

All great religions suffer from believers moving towards a secularized position, stopping to behave like meek sheep. Disbelief and denial of superstition rule the day.

Not only the great religions lose their influence and control over their people, also the greater political idealistic systems encounter more and more critique and scepticism. The communist system has lost the cold war competition and thus lost most of its credibility. But also the capitalist system is encountering more and more scepticism from its citizens, who recognize the obvious shortcomings of blind capitalism that follows the basic principles of the survival of the fittest in an economic sense. Many feel that this competitive system does not support its people well enough and that in the capitalist societies, and not only there, the majority of "losers" in the competitive societal structure are locked into a more or less hopeless struggle for survival. And that struggle is primarily frustrating and unpleasant in its effect on us meme-carriers.

More and more people resent society treating them like slaves without any prospect for liberation or an otherwise pleasant life. And that also holds for the western "democratic" and "enlightened" societies, not only for those "backward" societies elsewhere in the world, that are widely recognized as repressive, dictatorial and totalitarian, suffering from unpredictable arbitrariness and cruelty. People in modern society apparently have lost their perspective for a better - future - society. This makes a sense of hopelessness gradually spread among the populations of the civilized world. The fairy tales are being exposed and nothing comes forward to fill the gap.

There seems to be a growing need for a perspective that can give hope for a brighter future, a perspective that can survive the scrutiny of seasoned disbelievers, a perspective that cannot be put aside as another fairy tale, a perspective that is not anchored in badly tested political ideals or in superstitions, but a perspective that is firmly anchored in scientific knowledge. Such a perspective is increasingly sought after, but it is generally felt that it is alas nowhere in sight.

This Wiki is dedicated to showing that, despite this ever more widely felt hopelessness, such a novel perspective is very well possible and in fact that an enormous shift in human perspective is at hand, called here the Point Omega transition. And that once the Point Omega transition has started, the sought after perspective will present itself automatically and unavoidably. This perspective will fill the gap and it will bring purpose where now hopelessness rules.

After Point Omega namely, humanity finds itself in a totally novel situation. We will have left the millennia long era in which consciousness has gradually been evolving up to this Point Omega and we will have entered the situation of "conscious evolution", the beginning of which basically is what Point Omega is all about. Many of the rules and laws, regulating societies before Point Omega, will become superfluous or counter-productive and will vanish as a consequence. Most of these limiting rules and laws, needed in the old situation(s), dictating our behavioural possibilities and impossibilities, will lose their function and their necessity.

This reduction of repressive forces will release enormous amounts of energy in all participants, energy that can forthwith be spent on more useful, more creative and more productive goals then merely keeping each other in check, or winning all sorts of - now dysfunctional and obsolete - competitions.

The bottom line is that, according to us, there is now a new perspective emerging, a perspective that will be firmly anchored in scientific research and a perspective that perfectly makes sense in view of everything we know for sure, a perspective that also will help us overcome the neuroticizing and utterly unpleasant power structures that have ruled the existence of Homo sapiens for about 10.000 years. Those crippling and utterly unpleasant power structures have ruled our existence for all that time and that situation is now coming to an end. Homo sapiens will take over the lead over its own existence and over its own evolution as well. Once these new options and possibilities will start spreading, human society will gradually absorb this new perspective and in the end there will not be any lack of purpose left.

Having sorted out in this Wiki all or most theoretical issues that we need to know in order to assess our situation properly and correctly, we can now come to a listing of what is awaiting us, which options we do have and which options do not exist or otherwise are "no go" areas and what would be the most clever issues to work on, in order to make our transition as smooth as possible.

Before starting with a listing of useful directives as given further below, it seems useful to first rehearse the most important findings of the research reported on this Wiki, that we will have to take into account when ruminating how to shape our future.

New facts we need to take into account

<level 1>  

  • Human beings have strikingly little capacity to understand their own or each other's behaviour. As a consequence human beings behave essentially like other Apes behave, no matter their intellectual pretense. We can call this phenomenon Self-Blindness.
  • At the cognitive level Human beings utilize an important tool to consolidate that Self-Blindness, which is the Good-Bad polarity. Good-Bad differences refer not to any real behavioural differences, although people tend to think that they do. But in reality good-bad differences refer to different likings or appreciations from the side of the onlooker or "judge" that serve to stabilize existing ideas (prejudices) of one person about the other. The Good-Bad dimension therefore stabilizes social relationships while preventing (effectively shielding off) any understanding of the real social mechanisms involved. It helps ascertain that human beings keep acting socially to a large extent like other Great Apes. And the latter is crucial for the continuation of procreation en evolutionary success. Until this moment in our evolution this illusory Good-Bad tool was an indispensable attribute.
  • Self-Blindness has evolved in Homo sapiens as a consequence of, or rather as a condition for higher intelligence.
  • Much later, beginning with the agricultural revolution, since the period of 10.000 years ago till 5.000 years ago, Human evolution was taken over by an evolution on the level of "memes" or of "software". The latter evolution moves at a much higher speed than the traditional level of DNA or "hardware" evolution. The evolution of the hardware (DNA-based) is therefore lagging behind as compared to the evolution of the "software" (Memes, Culture). But, since we humans are carriers of both genes ánd of memes, this causes motivational friction in individuals of Homo sapiens, which friction is structural. We call this friction the "Evolutionary Jet Lag".
  • Agriculture needs power structures at the cultural level (software-level). These power structures in fact have taken over the lead in Human evolution. As carriers of the power structure "memes", human individuals tend to be pushed into a state of mild or harsh slavery, as compared to their natural tendencies.
  • Power structures have evolved in such a way, that they developed a myriad of tricks to subdue and control their carriers. One of the most elementary tricks is to neuroticize their human carriers. Whereas this customary neurotization strongly reduces the capacity of human individuals for realizing their full innate behavioural repertoires, it improves their maleability and adaptation to slavery. Power structures need large masses of malleable slaves and military ("cannon fodder" these days). Power structures compete with one another at such levels, and that determines the direction of our evolution.
  • Self-Blindness has always prevented humanity to understand the most basic elements of the fundamentals of our behaviour, to the extent that we even do not have daily used words for the most essential basic elements of our own behaviour. That way the mechanisms of emotional and motivational reversals have for instance always escaped our attention and stayed hidden, in spite of the fact that these mechanisms are the very cornerstones of any behaviour in species with an open ended capacity for learning, and therefore in particular in us humans.
  • Repair of the Blindness for our own emotional and motivational reversals harbours untold opportunities to open completely novel and more mature and wholesome avenues of regulation and support of us human beings. It opens up the road for intelligently looking at ourselves as well as looking at each other.
  • Behavioural differences between individuals in socially living species are partly based on genetics. One of these congenital personality dimensions is "differences in adaptiveness versus creative innovation", also to be labeled as "Social versus Self-Willed". Involuntary and automatic selection forces within social structures are causing automatic shifts in average genetic make up of the group members. That results in a limited life span of any social structure of socially living mammals, including in human societies and other social human structures. Depending on the level of social organization that mechanism leads to turn-over catastrophes like "bankruptcy", "revolution", "genocide" and similar phenomena. Whereas this mechanism throughout the ages always has made any stable social structure in human societies impossible, the mechanism doesn't need to cause much concern at this moment in time. Once Conscious Evolution has been started up, the sting can be taken out of this primordial mechanism and it can consciously be replaced by more agreeable mechanisms.
  • Another mechanism with a genetic basis that until now has always been kept hidden from awareness, by means of taboo-structures, is genetic pollution. That mechanism in itself has always already been enough to make any stable social organization impossible to survive for long. Genetic pollution has always been a sufficient extra reason to make (peaceful) social organizations collapse in due time. But also this mechanism does not need to fill us with much concern. Even while this mechanism is still out of our collective awareness at this moment in time, the start of Conscious Evolution will easily make this problem be tackled successfully in the slipstream of events.

From fact-finding to courses of action

<level 1>   Thus we memorized above the most important novel facts that we have to take into account for understanding the present human situation properly. These facts, that were either unknown or that were out of the focus of our attention, we do need to know for designing our future course, the options that we have, and the actions that we may decide to take as a consequence.

Being aware of this novel information, we can now start to discuss a number of issues that will play a completely different role in our existence, once we will have moved from the pre-Point-Omega condition to the post-Point-Omega situation. Below, we will discuss a number of such key issues one by one.

One general consideration that we should keep in mind while trying to find our way, is that scientific thinking will replace traditional superstitions. But, that is what will happen at the surface. Below the surface, within ourselves, as part of our system of feelings, emotions and motivations, it is that curiosity will increasingly replace fear as the all-determining factor in our lives. That is what the over-all picture of the theory of Point Omega predicts. That is what can be derived from the detailed knowledge as is presented on this Wiki. The all pervading neuroticising structure of the old society will more and more give way to the emergence of curiosity and creative impulses. And since those differences are very contagious, those changes will happen with the increasing speed of a chain reaction with an unexpected rapidness.

In the below, non exhaaustive, listing, some issues are presented, in the form of rules that will apply, others in the form of well known, but until now badly understood or difficult to realize admonitions, that will get a completely new reality value in the new situation. Each consideration leads to a course of action. We will mention 12 such courses of action:

- Democratization of education

- Transparency

- Procreating consciously

- Avoiding Good-Bad social reflexes

- Dealing with other aspects of Self-Blindness

- What about Religion

- Curbing destruction of the environment

- Competition and Work; how to deal with it in a different way

- Evolutionary Jet-lag & (Un)Happiness

- Treating others as you would like to be treated yourself

- How to deal with hopeless cases ?

- Assuming responsibility for every human being in existence

Democratization of education

<level 1>   Power structures lean among other things on an information privilege. Youngsters from privileged classes enjoy more opportunities for study and for personal development than do youngsters from the working class. This situation does have a number of advantages for the structures in power. It stabilizes the position of power of the persons manning the power structure control positions, keeping control positions "in the family". Privileged wealth is one of the driving stimuli to keep this pattern going.

For society as a whole there is however also a strong disadvantage to this education privilege. That is that enormous quantities of talent are continuously being wasted, because stemming from the working and other lower classes of society. A society can potentially win vast advantages when exploiting all potential to the full, which can be achieved by making education levels just depend on individual potential and not on the incidental wealth of the family of the persons in question.

In some countries the availability of education for those who are capable is to some extent democratized. In those countries, now still a minority, the learning potential of the population is exploited to a much higher degree than what is usually the case. After Point Omega we may expect that this tendency to democratize education will further be perfected world wide. The results will be two-fold. First of all expensive education resources will not any more be wasted on stupid or less gifted members of the privileged classes. Those resources can then be utilized more effectively. In the second place almost all innate potential in the whole population can be utilized, where now only a fraction of that potential is coming to bloom.

Comparing the percentage of potential until now being realized world wide with what would potentially be realized afterPointOmega, leads to the conclusion that this education issue will be one of the major power sources for a stabilization of Point Omega developments. Just this one of the many basic changes around Point Omega does already have the potential to change our world beyond recognition.


<level 1>   Transparency is a key issue in the transition to the post-Point-Omega world. Transparency combines with honesty, but not with counterfeit and fraud. Powerstructures heavily lean on information advantages and on keeping the ruled masses unaware of what is really going on. The more ignorant the subdued masses, the easier it is to keep exercising power over them. Power structures in general prefer to keep information privileges in place. Transparency often is poison to their power games and ruling techniques.

However, these days, because of technical developments, we are experiencing an information explosion and with that an explosion of accessibility of information. One of the implications is that it is becoming increasingly more difficult for power structures to maintain their information privileges and information advantages. Knowledge is democraticized unstoppably and the customary information privileges are crumbling down.

In the old days, up till this moment in time, information privileges were the "normal" state of affairs. Everybody is used to it and customarily takes it for granted. In the new era however, transparency will be valued more than the holding upright of the power structures of the day. People will prefer to do away with all that.

There is also another, different side to this coin. That is the side of "privacy". People in general are very much attached to their privacy. People in general fear "thought control" by the powers in charge and wish to defend their last areas of privacy left to them. People wish to keep their most personal thoughts and feelings hidden from other people. They want to defend their freedom of thinking and feeling differently from what they perceive as the "ideal" that society is trying to impose. The result is that people do not wish transparency regarding their personal selves. They do not wish that other people can read their thoughts.

However, these are reactions that are anchored firmly in the old situation. The old situation is a situation of struggle and strife. A situation where competition is present in every corner and fold of society. No matter how far a human society has advanced in establishing a "just" and "fair" societal structure, every societal structure before Point Omega needed to harbor a certain degree of "survival of the fittest" principles in order not to loose the quality of its carriers, us humans, too rapidly by genetic pollution and random drift. These are principles that never have been articulated clearly, in fact they were in general "taboo", but nevertheless in reality they always have been a prerequisite and a strict condition, because of the demands of the struggle for survival between the different competing power structures in the human world.

Therefore, in practice, only societal structures that kept incorporated certain degrees of competition and "survival of the fittest" within their population, could win in the evolutionary battle for survival, a battle basically carried out on software level. But that battle clearly was / is felt in the personal lifes of us, individual carriers, also.

In the new situation however, the old evolutionary requirements have been replaced by the new principles of "conscious evolution". And these new principles make the primordial requirements of competition and strife superfluous. That holds not only for the evolutionary survival struggle between the different power structures, but also for the evolutionary struggle and competition between individuals within the same power structure or culture, between the carriers of the same power structure. No need for competition any more. Its evolutionary usefulness and necessity will have become obsolete. That also implies that the need for secrecy, for cheating and for fraud is becoming obsolete.

The struggle for survival by all sorts of competition used to lean heavily on the cleverness of individuals, on their capacity to be just a little more clever than their individual competitors. In the old structures huge seas of energy and effort used to be invested in attempts to be more "clever" than the other, and unavoidably that always implied attempts for cheating and fraud, especially if not detected. This principle is so basic to human society, that we don't notice how much these mechanisms rule our lives. Of course it is true that any society, small or large, is anchored in regulations about which behaviours are permitted and which are not and in more or less effective measures to force its citizens to stick to those rules and laws. Still, within such law systems, people try to outflank each other in "cleverness" and they naturally search for the boundaries of what they can socially and legally get away with.

In short, in the old system the individuals cannot help but be subjected to the all-overruling demand to compete and to excel in comparison with their fellow citizens and unavoidably also often would try to cheat and defraud the others if they could get away with it. One needed to be almost "holy" to no fall for such pressures. And holiness was rare by definition. In practice, one could simply not avoid to join in those aspects of the rat race. A liking for transparency did not fit in those situations.

After Point Omega the situation is however quite different, also in that respect. If the deeply felt need for being better at cheating and defrauding falls away because the need for it has become obsolete, vast amount of energy and attention are spared and can be invested in more agreeable and more pleasant issues. In fact, we are talking here about the major part of all our energy spent.

After Point Omega there will be felt much less need for privacy and secrecy, because the danger of being unmasked and the need for winning in such competitions of cheating and fraud doesn't play an important role any longer. That has become irrelevant. People will not be concerned any longer if others can look into their inner thoughts and feelings. They don't fear to lose important competitions by too much "transparency" any longer. They couldn't care less.

This does have important implications for governments and other leaders of society. Transparency can safely be a basic target and goal with less concern for unwanted transparency in the feelings and likings of the individuals. They don't have much to hide any longer anyway.

Transparency ? Yes !

Privacy ? Who cares any longer ? And for what obsolete reasons ?

One of the results of transparency is that power structures are losing their information privileges and thus lose an important tool for keeping their citizens / carriers subdued and in slavery, mild or harsh. That relaxation of repression tools will diminish also the selection pressures in favour of sociability and compliance and against individualism, self-will and creativity. As explained in detail elsewhere on this Wiki, the relaxation of that selection pressure will take the power away from the cyclic processes that cause turn-overs, bankruptcies, revolutions and genocides.

Social selection cycles and social catastrophes will as a consequence become easier to handle and can be redirected. This side effect of transparency should provide an extra reason for governments and other authorities to stimulate such transparency where possible.

Procreating consciously

<level 1>   There is no need to receive children with handicaps, nor to produce them. Parents, and also governments with all their guidance potential, have a responsibility towards newborn life. Every newborn is entitled to be wished for and to be received with joy and love. This includes the parental care for the quality of the new life, also in the planning phase. Medical and biological knowledge and skills make suffering from innate defects large and by unnecessary from Point Omega on.

This principle will automatically put an end to overpopulation. Statistics show that the percentage of children, born unwanted, is such that if that category will end, numbers will rapidly decrease. In a not too far future after Point Omega it will be difficult to imagine for the people from that time, that in the past overpopulation was such a grand problem and that people were quite prepared to live with a couple of thousand people per square kilometer. What we today consider as "usual" population densities will then be regarded as a nightmare from the past.

Technically speaking, there will be no need to restrict the number of children, permitted per parent, by force. Chinese methods are, or will soon be, superfluous. Helping parents to avoid unwished for children, will already be enough to reduce the average reproduction rate to below 2,0 per woman. Governments had better spend their energy in counter-effecting the tendency of "the most stupid people reproducing fastest". The latter is one of the major forces that exert their influence during the evolution of intelligence, up to Point Omega. See the chapter on the mechanisms of the emergence and evolution of intelligence (**)(#5), holding for any universe, either real or hypothetical.

Whereas knowledge about the effects of genetic pollution is not at the core of our present day cultural heritage, it used to be a more common concern just a couple of generations ago. Among other things by the misdemeanour of the Nazis these notions have been put away in taboo sections of our present day culture. The above considerations as derived from the information presented on this Wiki lead however to the conclusion that, in spite of the Nazi-inspired taboo on population genetic thinking on humans, we should effectively address our genetic make up and start to prevent genetic pollution from automatically undermining any attempts to establish lasting fair and civilized societies.

We wish to point out here that in that respect we do not need to foster any fears as installed in us by what happened in the Third Reich. We now do have all technological tools at our fingertips to help people avoid unwanted genetic defects in their offspring. And since the average human being can easily be brought to the point of paying attention to these genetic issues and act accordingly, there is basically no need whatsoever to exert strong pressures from above to enforce a genetic police system. Where it appears possible to seduce people for instance to buy the useless foods that they daily purchase in great quantities, it should be no problem at all to seduce them to follow a healthy management of their own offspring. The level of advertisement needed to achieve that is probably less intensive than the advertisement needed to make them continuously buy unwholesome quantities of junk food. All that is needed is a better level of awareness at all levels of society, breaking this specific veil of ignorance and superstition.

To put it bluntly, humankind can only survive if it addresses effectively not only the unhampered growth of numbers, that is causing the destruction of the world’s ecological heritage, but also the effects of genetic pollution and deterioration, that would unavoidably cause the collapse of any serious attempt to establish a really civilized human community, as it has always done, throughout the history of mankind. All the necessary know how is now available. We just need to change focus, breaking taboos and ignorance and embrace awareness.

Our civilization is getting global. Let’s take the war producing population genetic sting out, before it destroys us all. We cannot afford to have complete morons sit at the red buttons, which is what unavoidably happens more and more when ever increasing “genetic loads” are smothering any further possibility for adequate and intelligent action.

The stark truth is that most of us do behave as, and have been trained to behave as complete morons, adapted with force, under penalty of being ostracized, to systems of collective superstition, blindness and ignorance that block any tendency to come to our senses and take adequate, responsible decisions.

It is time to wake up. Further delay will become more and more “homo-cidal” to us all.

Let us consider shortly what we may expect on the level of human population genetics after we have "woken up". What will happen after Point Omega ?

Increased awareness of our genetic endowment, an increased general level of sober thinking and a strongly improved set of medical tools to assist us in family planning will result in an ever larger percentage of the population procreating consciously and voluntarily. That will increase the frequency couples are utilising genetic counseling for optimal procreational results. In the USA we have seen already a steady increase during the last decades of the use of genetic counseling. And these tendencies are spreading towards Europe and other wealthy regions as well.

Governments can easily induce more use of medical techniques for enhancing the quality of the offspring. Therefore it is not needed at all to use much government pressure and force. Nazi-like measures are not needed at all. Modern advertisement techniques are effective enough to help trigger such rational procreational methods to spread among the population widely.

The modern techniques of birth control enable parents to choose the proper time for procreation. These techniques are spreading rapidly all over the world. This has two very important consequences. One is that conscious procreation will stop the growth of overpopulation. If all unwanted children would not get born, the world population would stop to grow and the present overpopulation would come to a halt. The second consequence is that the genetic counseling going with a more conscious procreation would decrease levels of genetic load and pollution.

These effects will come automatically and unavoidably, simply because they have become possible and people like to profit themselves from their advantages. We may expect that contemporary taboos that are still blocking such developments, will gradually but shortly lose their power over us.

There will be more different effects on the population genetic level that we may expect to emerge after Point Omega. But the above examples will suffice to indicate the trend to be expected.

Avoiding Good-Bad social reflexes

<level 1>   The ability to avoid being trapped by the tendency to indulge in Positive versus Negative Evaluation is likely to be a prerequisite for manipulating population- and group-cycles at will. And since human population- and group-dynamics tend to be worked out nowadays at the level of economic strangling techniques, genocide and (nuclear) war, the skill of controlling such population-dynamic forces would seem to be a prerequisite for man's survival.

The positive-negative dimension, Good versus Bad, does not relate to actual behaviour. Still, people think it does. This phenomenon is one of the most striking examples of man's innate Blindness for the Self. The Good-Bad dimension is a very effective veil for hiding human behavioural reality from awareness. One of the mechanisms described on this Wiki is the built in time bomb within every social structure, making sure that the life span of any social structure is only limited and causing catastrophic turn over events like break down through ossification, bankruptcies, revolutions, genocides, political collapse, etc. For the people involved these catastrophic events are highly unpleasant and problematic, but the (historical) biological and evolutionary advantages have been amply explained elsewhere on this Wiki. The evolutionary usefulness of these built in catastrophes is clear.

The proximate mechanism fueling these cyclic selection mechanisms is the involuntary selection pressure within each organizational structure in favour of the genetic roots of docility, sociablity and adaptiveness and against innovative creativity and individualism. These forces of attraction and repulsion work out on the cognitive level through the illusory notions of Good and Bad. The Good-Bad dimension thus motors the cyclic turn over mechanisms and the periodic emergence of social catastrophes. Until now, these social cyclic turn-over mechanisms are practically unknown, let alone their effects and implications.

For all practical reasons, after Point Omega it is not necessary to focus on the working of those cyclic catastrophes. It will be sufficient to focus attention on the knowledge of Good and Bad, that is, on the illusory character of it. Once awareness will be spreading about this one particular aspect of humanity's Self-Blindness, the attachment to utilizing this illusory polarity as the most important personality dimension, the all overriding power of these good-bad reflexes in social relations will diminish and gradually lose its influence in human social life. And that is in particular of crucial importance on the level of politics and governmental decision making.

Viewed from a point of view from before Point Omega, which is "now", this option, this possibility to collectively overcome the devastating effects of this aspect of our Self-Blindness, the blinding effects of the utilization of the Good-Bad dimension, is rather difficult to grasp. If not conceptually too complicated for most people, it certainly is a bridge too far emotionally to ask from people to not follow the primordial dictates of the blind forces of social attraction and repulsion, that have steered their / our behaviour since the beginning of time.

However, viewed from our situation áfter the Point Omega transition, it will be increasingly easy for increasing numbers of people to overcome these primordial reflexes of attraction and repulsion and to consciously choose more fruitful ways to interact. And this change will also be subject to positive feed back mechanisms that will make it progressively easier for people to adopt novel ways to interact, once certain critical masses have been reached.

In short, it will pay off for governments to enhance scientific knowledge about the Good-Bad concepts and to stimulate people to find alternative and more fruitful ways to interact with one another. Such ways will be counter-intuitive at first, but gradually people will get used to it, especially after it becomes more and more clear what bounties can be expected at the other side of the divide, after having passed the boundary of the knowledge of Good and Bad.

If you understand how (illusory) Good-Bad reflexes work, you automatically stop to "judge" people.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Matthew 7, verse 1&2.)

Dealing with other aspects of Self-Blindness

<level 1>   Self-Blindness has been a steady trait of Homo sapiens since a couple of million years, that is, from the time the intelligence of our ancestors started to rise. A high intelligence cannot be an ESS without a special provision that blocks the application of intelligent faculties to the own behaviour. The latter is the strong and striking Self-Blindness that is such a peculiar feature of our own species.

The above discussed compulsive human tendency to make use of Good-Bad differences in judgments is just one of the many forms in which Self-Blindness appears.

In the psychological research literature one can find a vast amount of issues that show specific human blindnesses in certain (other) fields of functioning. Even on Wikipedia one can find a list of cognitive biases, each of which biases is another expression of the striking Blindness for the Self of Homo sapiens (see also here for a chapter on this Wiki that is dedicated to these Self-Blindness phenomena).

Since Self-Blindness is one of the main ingredients for the structures that keep humanity bound in slavery and neuroticism, it is of great importance, and very urgent at that, that we collectively try as quickly and as effectively as we can, to come to grips with this typically human behavioural bias. If we wish to create a more agreeable world, we do have to take this hurdle. There is no escape from that necessity. In the above mentioned chapter on this Wiki it is argued that we should start a research discipline that is fully dedicated to create clarity and scientific insight in these aspects of Self-Blindness. In that chapter it is suggested to label such a research discipline as "Amathology" or "the science of ignorance".

It may sound outrageous at first sight to advertise such a research discipline, but it is not meant as a joke. In fact this should be considered as one of the most important issues for putting extra energy, time and attention, if we wish to stimulate a smooth transition into the post-Point-Omega world. Seriously dealing with the human Self-Blindness should therefore be considered as one of the major differences between the pre-Point-Omega condition and the post-Point-Omega situation. In fact, starting up research disciplines on Amathology could be labeled as a significant characteristic of the post-Point-Omega era.

What about Religion

Religion is one of the areas of life where great differences will occur between the pre-Point-Omega situation and the post-Point-Omega situation. In the realm of religions great changes will inescapably occur. One of the reasons is that religions deal with peoples attitude towards life and towards society and towards fellow citizens and at the same time religions play a major, and often hidden, role in keeping people under control. Apart from being a rescue and a life vest for the struggling populace, religions in general also play a major role as tools for power structures to keep their carriers under control. This dual role contributes to the confusion that religiously oriented subjects tend to suffer from. And this confusion is one of the corner stones of power structures in charge for keeping their subjects under control.

Because of these central functions in human life, religions will change in appearance and in function once all major aspects of human life are changing with the Point Omega transition.

Briefly summarized, we can recognize 4 central characteristics of religions:

1) Religions represent an important information source for its adherents; religions also function as a support system for people in need; and religions function also as networks for social communication and social relationships; and finally, religions provide a channel for spiritual experiences, god-consciousness and related levels of awareness. These aspects together are the information and support sides of religions.

2) A totally different function is that religions are also functioning as tools for suppression, installing fears and superstitions in their carriers / subjects.

3) Religions also serve as a sort of life vests for neurotic and fearful people. And since the vast majority of people falls in that class of people, the life-vest function of religion has always been and still is crucial.

4) The above 3 functions may seem contradictory in many respects, and they are. Religions always seem to create inextricable tangles of basically inexplicable complexities, that nevertheless manage to bind people within their believe systems. The pictures of the world and of peoples own existence may seem inextricably complex, but as such these pictures and views, as provided by religious beliefs, represent an ESS structure ( Evolutionarily Stable Strategies) for the power structures in place.

All these 4 aspects of religion will change tremendously during the shift towards Point Omega.

So, religions play a central role in keeping communal world views in place and at the same time in keeping their carriers (us) bound in a strong dependence of the local power structures in question. Neuroticism and dependency of the masses is strongly defended and given shape by means of all the fairy tales and lies that religions keep in place (see here for more explanation about the way power structures utilize organized ignorance, superstition and fear for maintaining their power over their carriers - subjects). Packages of superstition, ignorance and neuroticizing belief systems may be disadvantageous to their personal carriers, but they evolved and always existed because of their evolutionary survival value. And by that we mean survival value on the level of software, the level of "memes", the leading level for the evolution of Homo sapiens. Not surprisingly, many philosophers (and prophets) consider science as conducted properly and soberly, as a means to liberation. "Seek ye the truth, and the truth will make you free", as the saying goes, a saying that can also be found in the Bible. In that sense such philosophers mean to indicate science as juxtaposed to religious superstition, ignorance and belief-systems.

What can be expected to happen after Point Omega in this respect is a further secularization of society, in the sense that superstitious beliefs and structured ignorance will stop controlling society as they did in the past. The world will more and more choose for science where science appears to conflict with religious traditions and blindness for the truth, and especially with religious taboos against looking at ourselves soberly. In that sense science will work as a liberating force.

Another effect we may expect from this secularization and increasing awareness of all the workings within ourselves is a cleaning up of all aspects, mentioned under point 1) above.

Our world views, our support systems for the needy, our social networks, and also our spiritual life, will all be cleaned from taboo structures and other irrational blocks, from fear inducing old habits, from illogical inexplicabilities, from structured and forcefully imposed ignorance. And such a clean up will unleash untold and unexpected quantities of personal energy in all people involved, taking away the myriads of energy consuming tricks with which the power systems always kept us subjugated in neuroticizing structured slavery. And the synergy between all these individual clean ups will cause an exponential increase of human potential and communal energy. It will verily motor the Point Omega transition. (For an explanation of the mechanisms underlying such synergies, see here.)

So, yes, the religion-related changes will be crucially important aspects of the new era and of the transition thereto.

Also, these changes will not be the end of spirituality and personal salvation, for authentic spirituality is not dependent of superstition and fairy tales. On the contrary, ending superstition, institutionalized ignorance and repression systems, will open up the road to a massive revival of genuine spirituality.

From the above we may conclude to a number of focusing points for governments to pay attention to and to invest in, like:

- Discourage superstitions that are blocking science or blocking truth

- No worldly power should be allotted to systems of fairy tales and superstitions.

- Protect secularization tendencies.

- Protect authentic spiritual revival movements from persecution by old established repressive religious traditions. (The latter have in general become mixed with repressive power structures.)

For deciding how to deal with the differences between religious affairs before Point Omega and religious affairs after Point Omega, it is useful to do one step back and consider the evolutionary necessities that have formed these characteristics of human life and that determine and will keep determining our options, options in personal behaviour, options in political management, and options in philosophical and ideological attitudes, including religions. As explained in more detail in the article on this Wiki about human Self-Blindness, a higher intelligence could only evolve in humans by virtue of specific built in blindnesses for our own and each other's behaviours. Human evolution has been a competition between increasing intelligence and concomitantly needed Self-Blindness needed for preventing that evolving intelligence from biting in its own tail, blocking further successful procreation and spreading of a higher intelligence through the population. As pointed out above and in other articles on this Wiki, religion is a major tool to keep sufficient Self-Blindness operational for allowing higher levels of freely applicable intelligence.

Co-evolution of high intelligence and Self-Blindness, an example

In that respect it should be of interest to pay attention to one of the oldest grand religions on earth, the jewish believe system. That belief system already exists for over 3.000 years and has well survived until this day. That feat is very exceptional. Most religions in the world have been in operation only locally and only for a limited period of time. In general such local religions were very ethnocentric and self-serving.

What strikes the interested onlooker is that the jewish tribe enjoys a higher than usual average intelligence, while at the same time the religious prescriptions are more numerous and more restrictive for daily life, than is usually the case with other religions. What also strikes the attention is that the jewish race has survived quite a number of (forced) mass-migrations out of their home-territory and returning later, not loosing their ancestral religious culture. This cultural survival is not customary in most other religious systems. Tribes and races tend to disappear and or to dissolve in other peoples and tribes, their local belief systems disappearing with them. When investigating the relationship between the evolution of intelligence in the human species and the theoretical prerequisite of Self-Blindness therefore, the case of the apparently successful jewish race could be utilized as a test example. There are a number of other striking features to the jewish people. We mention here the holocaust-like historical events, that have plagued the jews repeatedly, in fact for thousands of years, every time without the jews disappearing completely from the scene, as is more customary with other tribes and creeds in the world of Homo sapiens. Another feature of jewry is that they have moved through a number of population-cycle events as described in other articles on this Wiki. The effects of genetic pollution and of extreme selection effects in favour of sociability and against creativity and innovation, as one would expect in most social structures, be it tribes, races or local cultures, evidently have been circumvented in the case of the jews, probably by how their history was shaped. Irrespective of these latter considerations, the fact is that the jewish tribe or race combines a higher than average intelligence with a higher than average religious pressure on personal and social life. Also, it can easily be recognized that also their religious system is an extra barrier to understanding of the own behaviour or of behaviour of human beings in general. The jewish ethnocentric creed can thus serve as an example illustrating the evolutionary need for Self-Blindness.

When considering and discussing governmental measures to be taken for the benefit of the human species for after Point Omega, it would therefore seem useful to also consider such measures in comparison with and in relationship with the jewish creed as an example. The history and the shaping of that tribe can serve as a reference point and bench mark.

Curbing destruction of the environment

As we have seen, present day human evolution is primarily determined by the survival struggle between meme level power structures. And these power structures are dragging the much slower gene level evolution of mankind along. Competing power structures basically have no "interest" in the environment. They are only interested in spreading their software as well as possible among as many carriers as possible (us). The ecological environment is only important in as far as that environment should be able to keep the power structure's carriers alive. Of course there is no "intent" in the power structures, but from the outside it looks like that. The survival struggle looks like there is intent involved, but of course it just is an automatic process, the process of evolutionary changes. So, for the power structures in charge ecological values and biodiversity are only interesting in as far as they enhance the more effective spreading of "their" culture, their memes among us humans.

Before Point Omega, including the moment of "now", the real competition is between the power structures in charge. And money is power, so if more money can be made in a short time at the cost of some extra environmental damage, the environment is in bad shape. Even if good stewardship would render more long term profit, then still, higher short term profits are generally preferred, even if the long term environmental damage is high and thus the long term profits lower than would be possible with more rational methods. Because of the short term higher profits environmental destruction has been going on since mankind has learned to manipulate its environment. Agriculture has been reducing the carrying capacity of the environment consistently since almost 10.000 years. Some people may think that environmental damage is a recent phenomenon, but that is not the case. The damage may proceed faster these days then in earlier times, but for instance the process of desertification has already taken its toll since thousands of years. For instance, in some North African regions, that used to serve as granaries for the Roman empire, the desert is now practically reaching to the sea. Another example is the sorry ecological state of the löss plateau in China, the source region of the yellow river, This highly fertile löss area is where the Han Chinese originated from, but in recent centuries the area only could support a minor percentage of the people it could support in more ancient times. The reason has merely been short sighted short term profit making by conforming to habits of overgrazing and subsequently losing fertile soil. Similar agricultural mis-use of soils occurred everywhere in the world. In fact there is more man-made desert on this planet than there is agricultural land.

Since the blind competition struggle between power structures was the leading factor in our evolution, the environmental price being paid locally did not play an important role. As long as the carriers of the power structures in question would not survive less than the carriers of competitor power structures, the environmental effects could safely be neglected and ignored. We can now formulate that even more precisely. As long as the struggle between power structures determines our lives, and that is still the case completely, it is practically impossible to prevent biodiversity from further dwindling away.

After Point Omega however, we will enter the phase of conscious evolution, which will take the sting out of the all overruling influence of the power structures. The ancient penalties on the level of success and procreation, that had to be paid if one's own power structure would not win, do not apply any more. After Point Omega we will enjoy freedom from the old procreational dictates and laws, that used to make rebellion against the interests of the power structures a risky and often fatal affair. After Point Omega we can safely reverse the wave of ecological destruction that has plagued mother earth for such a long time already. In our modern age of tool making and technical innovations we can then choose to use all those technical tools for "creating more biodiversity" rather than reduce it. It just needs some awareness of what has been going on and how we could do it better. And once we have come around to calculating the long term financial profits of good stewardship, we can in principle easily stimulate decisions to improve biodiversity, rather than reduce it. All the modern tools and technical possibilities can equally well be applied for the better instead of only for the worse.

Modern ecological methods that can replace the ancient agricultural habits, go by various names: "Permaculture", "Natuurbouw" (Nature construction), "Ecological Stewardship", "Sustainability", etc. These more rational ecologically-friendly agricultural methods and land-management methods are nowadays spreading rapidly all over the world. Still, the all pervading influence of big money serves as a powerful engine for ecological destruction. Financially, it still pays off on the short term to continue to accept destruction as collateral damage of making more money. Until these days that destructive effect of the way power structures express themselves cannot easily be countered lastingly, because in the end the question is always which power structure was able to win from which other power structure, wielding its resources, including money, for spreading itself maximally. And the ecological collateral damage was always of minor importance in comparison to the survival of the power structure in charge.

However, once we will have entered the phase of conscious evolution, the usual evolutionary penalties will lose their previously all pervading power and influence, making it possible for mankind to conscientiously choose its own course of action, which course of action then may very well be a course that optimizes biodiversity on earth instead of destroying it in the slipstream of the blind battle for survival between the impersonal powers structures in charge.

What governments could do to speed up the turning around of ecological destruction is to wield taxes as a means to help steer the behaviour of their people in more environment-friendly and wholesome directions. After Point Omega governments will get increasingly more space to introduce such methods. And their populaces will simply demand it, being aware of what is at stake.

Evolutionary Jet-lag & (Un)Happiness




Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself

<level 1>   This also stems from Christian tradition and from Buddhist tradition.

This also pertains to behaviour towards other species than only to the human race itself. Self actualization brings forth automatically a raised compassion with all forms of life, because in that state of mind there is more emotional space available. This involuntarily results in "good stewardship" over nature, an old Christian ideal.

Leg uit waarom dit advies tot nu toe nooit kon werken vanwege de evolutionaire natuurwetten, die leunen op competitie en concurrentie en "survival of the fittest" en dus eliminatie van de "unfit" d.m.v. keiharde concurrentiestrijd.

"Conscious Evolution" haalt daar de sting uit.

How to deal with hopeless cases ?

From the previous paragraph it follows that it is a good advice to treat others as one would like to be treated oneself. This is the old christian admonition, that by the way also could be found in numerous other widely spread cultures and traditions, can be considered a useful prop to enhance the emergence or rather catalysation of the Point Omega transition.

One could however counter that there are vast numbers of individuals that cannot reasonably be considered as even potentially useful for society and for their fellow men. Many criminals, psychopaths, etc., do not evoke any other reactions than aversive aggression and disgust. For many of such individuals the conclusion is almost inevitable that such persons better were dead, for the benefit of their fellow men as well as for themselves.

From a practical point of view, such a radical defensive attitude regarding these failed persons may be advisable or at least very seductive. However, there are by now very good scientific and political reasons why also towards such acknowledged failures, such absolutely hopeless individuals, it is of crucial importance to also treat such disgusting individuals in the way as described above.

That is because once the above is the official attitude, every individual "knows" that he will be accepted "as he/she is". And that awareness will stop most of the basic fears as ordinarily used to be, and still are, installed by the ruling power structures. And that new, novel situation will stop the internal personal feed back loops that always were stabilizing neuroticism. It can be calculated that this is a relatively cheap and easy to install change of course. And the beneficial effects at the social plane will simply be tremendous. A very stable and thorough relaxation will enter the minds and hearts of such "hopeless" persons. And that will have enormous effects on the citizens around, because of the great contagiousness of relaxation and paratelic states.

The advice to governments should therefore be to assume responsibility for making clear that all people, simply because they were born, are entitled to acceptance and support if needed, of course within reasonable boundaries.

In the pre-Point-Omega situation such measures could not be carried through without penalty. Population genetic laws would make sure that then genetic load would increase too much and sooner or later the social structure would collapse under the pressure of genetic pollution, not being able any longer to come up to the competitive challenges from other power structures with a less polluted gene pool. In other words: social stress, competition, struggle and suffering are needed to exert enough selection pressure on the population to realize some degree of selection pressure enabling the power structures in question to not loose its carriers in the competition for survival.

However, in the after Point Omega situation we will have conscious evolution replacing the natural struggle between power structures over the backs of their carriers, us people. Conscious evolution takes care of preventing genetic (over-)load, of preventing the ordinary social selection cycles and other mechanisms with which mother nature always kept our innate qualities at the required level. The "natural" methods of mother nature invariably come with struggle and strive and pain for the individuals in question. Circumventing that misery always was self-defeating because of the basic demands from the laws of evolution. But, once conscious evolution is in place, the usual penalties are suspended and society can safely install the luxury of accepting every human being born, thus removing all serious basic fears.

The chain reaction that such a novel situation will trigger is assumedly of such a magnitude, that the proposed measures will produce revenues of a completely different order than what the costs amounted to. The bottom line is to organize that we all need to assume responsibility for one another, which attitude is further discussed in the next chapter.

Assuming responsibility for every human being in existence

<level 1>   One of the basic characteristics for after Point Omega is that every human being should be guaranteed a relatively stress-free life. Such a situation is already the ideal of many societies and political systems. However, more often than not, such striving appears to be quite difficult to bring into practice, especially in the long term. And besides, many societies do not embrace such a principle at all. Until this moment in history principles of "survival of the fittest" and the "struggle for life" have dominated the situation. And such principles were very necessary in order to maintain a certain required level of genetic selection pressure. Without such selection pressures genetic pollution and degeneration would quickly put an end to any societies' survival.

After Point Omega however, "conscious evolution" will have taken over and therefore the stress of selection struggles will have become superfluous. The consequence of this change in evolutionary demands is that there finally will be (evolutionary) space for fair and just societies to be continued without end. Genetic pollution and social selection cycles can be countered with ease and the usual life span limitations of social structures can be by-passed.

The implication of such a novel situation is that we may set aside and overcome primordial reflexes of attraction and repulsion without in the end suffering the thereby speeded up life cycle end and the total collapse of the social structures in question. And that in turn implies that our very strong tendency to indulge in black/white or bad/good thinking regarding other people, will have lost its evolutionary "usefulness". We can now safely open our eyes to reality, to how we are put together, to how we have evolved, to what our options are, and which traditional options have become "no-go areas".

Having bypassed the ordinary needs for evolutionary selection pressures in our society and our social relations, we can at last safely refrain from denouncing adversaries, from scapegoating, from black/white thinking, etc. We can safely "love our neighbor like ourselves" without paying in the end the concomitant evolutionary penalty for it.

Even more, because we will have entered a situation where conscious evolution has taken over and that being in a democratic context, we are basically all together responsible for every human being that is being born on this earth. A situation will develop, where large and by humanity together decides how procreation will be given shape. Ultimately, that implies that everybody basically is co-responsible for every other human being that has been born. And that may be considered as one of the basic rules of the human world after Point Omega.

Conscious evolution has not yet been started up and it will probably take quite a number of generations before that state of affairs will have been consolidated. In the mean time however we can already get used to thinking along those terms. That will help to support individuals that have problems in functioning smoothly and properly. Many of such problem-people may need to be firmly controlled in order to avoid them causing harm to other people, but if we remember that we all together are responsible for their very existence, it is easier to maintain a supportive attitude. As argued in the article about "strokes" handing out "strokes" is the best medicine to help people regain proper rhythms of telic/paratelic reversals and thus regain growth towards fulfillment of their best innate capacities. Self-actualizers are more pleasant company than overstressed neurotics. And every "stroke" helps to bring that better option about.

Ultimately, increasingly more strokes will come back to us in a process of social interaction which is, from a technical point of view, basically a process of positive feed back loops. And because of the technical characteristics of positive feed back loops, this will cause a chain reaction of strongly increasing mutual social support. And that, in turn, will diminish neuroticizing structures beyond a critical point, making space for a more broadly occurring actualization of human potentials to an unprecedented extent. And, because of the technical consequences of the positive feed back loops involved, these changes will increasingly gain speed until the majority of mankind wil all of a sudden be "taken by surprise" (but in a positive sense).

These are the considerations why we need to assume responsibility for every human being in existence, and act accordingly. It is about time.

It is clear that this general attitude of mutually assured respect and support is strikingly different from the pre-Omega condition of unlimited competition on all levels, ethnocentric cramps and reflexes, racism and genocide. This new attitude of accepting responsibility for and giving support to also the less privileged of our fellow human beings, up and including "the hopeless cases", the hardened criminals, and the plain idiots and simpletons, that attitude is an emotional cornerstone of the post-Point Omega world order. Before Point Omega we hardly could afford such an attitude, because of the evolutionary penalties involved, but from now on that attitude will fully pay off on all levels and to an unprecedented degree.

Competition and Work; how to deal with it in a different way

Less "telic" and more "paratelic".


Competitie als in sport; geen leven-of-dood-kwestie; voor de lol, niet uit angst.

Vroeger "re-actief" en nú "pro-actief".

Priorities for an action list

<level 1>  

After the above paragraphs we may draw the conclusion that:

- After Point Omega many issues and many problems will have to be treated in a different way than before.

- Some of these changes in attitude will follow suit automatically and involuntarily. In those cases no extra pressure is needed to steer the changes in the right direction. Such changes therefore do not need to be put high on the list of priorities, that is, the priority list of where we should invest extra attention, energy and time. These changes may in some cases be quite crucial for mankind in the new situation and they may play a central role in the shifting towards the Past-Point-Omega state of affairs. But still, these issues end up low on the priority list, because they will also come about without extra purposeful action from our side or from the side of the authorities.

- Some changes can be boosted and sped up from outside relatively easy. Where that is the case, it pays off for that reason to give these changes an extra "boost" and the issue may for that reason be put higher on the priority list. There, extra effort will pay off easily.

- Some of the changes, related to the emergence of Point Omega, are already on the list, in the sense that people already pay attention and try to spread the changes in question as broadly as they can. An example is "freedom of speech". In many parts of the modern world the importance of this change is recognized, but in many other countries freedom of speech is still a utopian dream. These issues are certainly of importance. Still, they do not need to be put high on this priority list, because, evidently, they already are getting attention, time and energy.

With these three criteria in mind we now can, as examples, order a non-exhaustive listing of priorities and recommended actions for governments and individuals. With every item, every change, we will give an indication of why the item has been put higher or lower on our list of priorities.

1) Amathology. Spending time and money studying the mechanisms of human Blindness for the Self is crucial for dealing with the changes needed for moving through the Point Omega transitions. Awareness of and knowledge about these mechanisms of Self-Blindness are fundamental for the Past Point Omega world. However, for purely technical reasons we should expect that people and institutions will not automatically put energy and time and money in that type of research, no matter how important it is. For most people these issues just "don't feel right". Therefore this item is put high on the priorities list. Extra effort on this issue will pay off exponentially.

2) Transparency. One of the major tools for power structures to maintain their control over their subjects is that the officers "in charge" enjoy broad information privileges. They "know more" than their subjects and keep their people that way in a permanent state of helplessness, which, by the way, these subjects consider as "normal".

In contrast, democratic ways of cooperation need to be anchored in sufficient information levels for the people who are part of the democracy. Otherwise, no educated opinions can be formed. In our modern world, and especially recently, transparency has increasingly become a hot item and the target of introducing and improving transparency on many levels is part of most modern societies. In spite of all this already existing attention, we still put transparency high on this priority-list, because it is something that can easily be improved and steered by governments and other large organizations. By putting energy in the further improvement of transparency on all levels, the transition to the post Point Omega situation can considerably be facilitated. Transparency is a main characteristic of the "new world" and it will pay off to increase the emphasis it is already receiving.

3) Legal innovations for "taking responsibility". Taking responsibility by everybody, for everybody else's existence, is a new concept for most people. It is not or hardly supported by already existing traditions and culture. It goes counter to traditions of competition and of holding failing people responsible for their failures to "have made it". Still, this novel type of responsibility - by all for all - will have a tremendous impact on the feelings of well-being of the majority of mankind. It will give every individual a feeling of "being OK" and "being accepted". It will take away the feeling of failure and the neuroticizing fear to be ostracized or held personally responsible for failure. By positive feed back loops in our behavioural system such a removal of imposed feelings of inadequacy will free enormous amounts of positively spent energy. This admonition to accept responsibility for literally everybody will have tremendous effects on the peace of mind and the peace of heart of our fellow human beings. Knowing the mechanisms of the contagiousness of well-being and of emotional equilibrium and personal growth it is clear that "Taking Responsibility" is very important for the transition to the other side of Point Omega. Because of its importance and because it is difficult for individual people to switch to this new attitude, we have put this issue high on the list of priorities. Attention and energy being spent on this issue will most likely be very well spent and that is why we have put this issue also close to the top.

Once the idea of "together taking responsibility for every human being alive" has been accepted as a useful tool to (re)form our world, this principle has to be embedded in new legislation that can help to establish and propagate the global support for "everybody". First of all the authorities should recognize the importance of this "support of all by all". And one of the most effective - lastingly effective - methods for authorities to boost this principle is legislation itself.

4) Psychological sciences. Giving shape to the post-Point-Omega world will be supported by an increase in scientific research efforts. In our rapidly developing and changing world, new techniques emerge and are actively sought in all fields of human functioning. Whereas technical scientific developments traditionally used to get much attention and financing and will automatically receive such attention in the future, we have good reasons to advise for a shift in emphasis into the direction of research in the fields of psychology, sociology and ethology. The Omega-shift implies that humanity will enter into another level of understanding of our own behaviour. One of the tenets defended on this Wiki is that the level of knowledge about our own behavioural system, our emotions and motivations is still very limited and at places almost non-existent. Large gaps in our understanding of these matters need to be filled in urgently. Many of these gaps in our knowledge have traditionally been maintained by complex systems of taboos and contemporary superstitions. After Point Omega we will need to pay extra attention to for instance the following fields in psychological research:

Good-Bad reflexes and their biological functions;

Reversal Theory, dealing with the dynamics of our emotional and motivational system;

automatic selection pressures in the social plane on the dimension of Adaption-Innovation and the resulting periodic catastrophes in social structures;

Amathology or the research on human blindness for the own behaviour and its biological function.

Whereas not being exhaustive, these issues should be in the front of our future scientific research efforts. As pointed out in many papers on this Wiki, human misery is finally and solidly anchored in ignorance about exactly these fields of psychological functioning. Spending attention, time and energy here, certainly will pay off.

5) Military authority for the UN. At this moment in time, it is becoming more and more likely that at some stage a group of deranged idiots will be able to lay their hands on nuclear retaliation instruments. If that would happen, humanity will be in bad shape. For instance, Islamic fanatics have flown 2 airplanes into the New York twin towers. Imagine what would happen in case such fanatic morons would get control over nuclear missiles. Such disaster would most likely trigger the immediate allocation of more military power in the hands of the UN "government", in order to be able to prevent such idiocies from happening again. However, it seems much better strategy to arrange such decisive military power to the UN level before the above may happen. Until now, people don't seem to feel the urgency to put more effective power in UN hands. But that is a sorry example of shortsightedness, that might cost millions of us their lives unnecessarily. Since this issue is likely to be taken seriously too late, and because of the price humanity would have to pay for the sorry consequences, this issue is put high on this priority list.

Imagine what would happen if the North Korean government would indeed have control over nuclear hitting power. These days there are quite a number of political states of whom we would not like to know nuclear hitting power in their hands. Examples from the recent past or the present are for instance: ISIS, North Korea, the Ayatolla state in Iran, Zimbabwe, Ruanda's genocide, Pol Pot in Cambodia, etc., etc.

6) UN-power guaranteeing the right to political self-determination for all populations and sub-populations. Self-determination will come about for all people in the world without any doubt at some point in time. Developments that can be expected after Point Omega will bring that about inevitably.

However, it pays off to put extra energy and attention in this development and speed that process up where possible, because of the dangers for mankind stemming from the present situation in many countries, where self-determination is still a far away dream and violent revolutions are lurking below the surface. The sooner we can install a generally applicable right to self-determination, the sooner those - really great - dangers will be brought under control. In the new situation every local population will be entitled to collectively decide how much autonomy is preferred against which decrease of efficiency of size or decrease of governmental expertise.

Recent examples of where such issues are under discussion or, less ideal, should be under discussion, are for instance: Scotland versus the UK; the UK versus the EU; the Krim versus Ukraina or Russia; East Ukraina versus Ukraina or Russia; East-Timor versus Indonesia; Papua New Guinea versus Indonesia; Catalunia versus Spain; Western Sahara versus Marocco; Southern Sudan versus Sudan; Darfur versus Sudan; etc.; etc.

7) Create better opportunity for mothers to care sufficiently for their babies. One of the most effective ways to improve chances for young children to grow up to be mature and capable individuals is to enable mothers of neonatives to spend enough time and attention to their newborns and in the first years after birth. There are ample scientific research data that show the large effects of proper maternal care on the development of the newborns. Also, various articles on this Wiki explain how this developmental effect comes about. Whereas in the future there will be no doubt more space, time and room for mothers to care for their newborns in an optimal way, we still need to emphasize here the usefulness of paying more attention to these long term developmental effects of good maternal care. On the one hand there will be created more and more opportunity for mothers to give their birthlings an optimal start. On the other hand, we can catalyze these changes tremendously by putting more attention and energy in these changes.

Therefore this issue should get relatively much priority. It will happen anyway, but events can be much optimized by now already speeding up this particular change as much as possible. (A thorough scientific analysis of these effects can for instance be found'"'Italic textLink title in the work of Bruno Bettelheim, where he describes the large scale failures in 20th century kibbutses regarding the early upbringing of babies.)

8) Tax reforms world wide. Taxes are a relatively easy way to help steer the behaviour of large masses of people in the right direction. An environment tax would make it more expensive for people to purchase or apply environment-unfriendly articles and products. Price differences can easily bring people to make better choices on a daily basis. This method could reduce pollution considerably and could equally improve the protection of biodiversity. Likewise a junk-food tax could help to make people buy less unhealthy fodder (now more expensive) and instead buy more healthy (cheap) alternatives. This would improve the average well-being of people and simultaneously reduce costs of medical care. At this level benefits can also be obtained by making better international agreements on preventing tax-evasion. That would improve the possibilities for governments to collect fair levels of taxes from all citizens concerned, including the bigger international companies who nowadays often do not need to pay their fair share. Fair taxes for internationals would greatly reduce the tax levels for ordinary citizens, this to the benefit of all. And once the big companies pay their fair share of taxes, the environmental components of the taxes will finally have a strong effect on the reduction of pollution and the improvement of biodiversity.

These tax issues already do have increasing lots of attention, but still it would pay off greatly to put extra energy in these reforms, because the powers that resist such reforms are traditionally very strong and the effects of these tax reforms will have immediate beneficial effects on the whole of society. Also, it will enhance people's confidence in the authorities if they manage to realize a broad tax-equality.

9) Eugenics. One main characteristic of the transition Point Omega is finishing the era of evolving gradually towards higher levels of consciousness and entering a new era, a new phase in human history, the era of Conscious Evolution. That new situation implies the conscious utilization of Eugenics and all its techniques involved. Homo sapiens cannot survive without taking its ow evolution consciously in its own hands. It is therefore of crucial importance now and in the near future.

One of the novel tools involved in dealing with eugenics is Eugenic Mapping. The improvement of these techniques is a major tool for conscious evolution. On the one hand we mention it here, because it is not something that will automatically be taken on by governments. On the other hand, eugenic mapping will inescapably be boosted by public demand. People will increasingly demand to enjoy all the advantages of genetic screening and other measures to produce offspring that is as healthy and as capable as possible. It can therefore be put at a relatively low position on the list of priorities, because this issue will get sufficient attention anyway. The public at large simply will demand it.

10) Sexual liberation of women. The inequality between the sexes is a primordial given. Apart from cultural habits our biological past has caused difference between the average investments in newborns by mothers and the average investments by the fathers. This difference between the sexes has always been causing certain basic frictions. These differences in focus and in where the main concerns are located in each of the sexes, evidently has been an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy, ESS, throughout our evolution. However, in the coming era of conscious evolution it will be of crucial importance that women will increasingly be in command of their own bellies, about their own offspring and if possible, the fatherhood involved. Genetic pollution, which is one of the major classic obstacles for a long lasting and stable peaceful human society, will have to be tackled with a range of novel approaches. And more say for women about their own pregnancy is one of those indispensable novel attitudes. This beneficial effect of women's sexual emancipation on the reduction of genetic pollution is the reason why we have included this issue here on the list of priorities.

11) Make biological fathers pay for their offspring. As a pair to the above item is the priority of making men pay for the offspring they have sired in a biological sense. Medical techniques to assess fatherhood without a doubt are now available everywhere and they will increasingly be applied to back up claims of young mothers to share the burden of parenthood with the biological fathers. This tendency is already on the increase in most places of the world. That we still mention it here is because this will put a break on the tendency of men to "knock up" women with child without coming up with marital assistance. And that shift will be in favour of fathers who are capable of giving parental support and this shift will be an increasing hindrance to the fatherhood of incompetents. Making biological fathers pay their fair share in parental efforts is an extra brake on genetic pollution and moreover it helps to provide newborns with a good start.

12) Pollution. Pollution too, needs to come to an end shortly. We presently tend to regard the fight against pollution as crucial for human well-being. And that is quite right. However, the pollution problems will automatically be tackled more vigorously and more effectively once Point Omega has been passed. Most individual people and also their governments are increasingly aware that pollution needs to stop and that human well being can be raised that way. Pollution can therefore safely be put somewhat low on the priority list. We'll effectively deal with it anyway.

13) Overpopulation. Alleviation of present day suffering of our whole planet through over-exploitation, fueled by millions of tonnes of superfluous human flesh, is very urgent and one of the major features of the new time. Still, this item ends up rather low on the priorities list, because a systematic and lasting reduction of human numbers will inevitably and automatically happen anyway, and that without draconian pressures from above.

14) Secularization. We have put this item low on the list because doing away with superstition and religious fear will score high with many people already anyway. Giving shape to the world after Point Omega does not need spiritual awareness to disappear. What it does need is that superstitions and collective fears do not keep dominating individual and group behaviour. Organized religions normally played a crucial role in maintaining power structures by inducing and regulating fears in their people. What will be left in the future of present day religions is at best a kind of spiritual awareness and feeling of unity, that is denuded from all the traditionally concomitant fears and unwholesome taboos, that served the power structures rather than the individual welfare of the believers. Anyway, putting religions back in their proper place, where they do "good" and no "harm", will continue to happen automatically and unavoidably.

15) Ecology. For evoking sensible and rational action with respect to the global ecological hot issues, the best and also lasting approach is to broaden the education packages about ecology for our young people in the schools. The more people are aware of the ecological imbedding of Homo sapiens, the more our ecological heritage will be protected and improved upon. The more emphasis we put on the issues of ecology, the better we will take care of our biological heritage.

A movement that already is gaining more and more influence at the level of ecological values, is "Permaculture". The Permaculture methodology guides land owners in the direction of producing useful goods, foods and raw materials, while at the same time improving and not exhausting the local ecological carrying capacity. This new method about how to deal with our world originated in Australia and has since its beginning kept spreading over the world at and ever expanding pace.

A similar striving is included in what we call the "Sicirec Formula", applied in plantation forestry, but equally well applicable in any other exploitation of land for whichever purpose, be it forestry, agriculture, industry or urban planning. That formula emphasizes that crucial for preserving biodiversity is the strategy to keep a certain percentage of the land involved in a state of its climax vegetation, together with its climax animal life, spatially intertwined with areas for rational productivity. The latter may refer to forms of Permaculture, but less ideal patterns of utilization will also work out well within the Sicirec Formula.

Boosting the world wide utilization of these new ecological principles, can and will have a tremendous impact of the well being of the world as a whole and thus on our own well being.

Still, we put this issue relatively low on our priority list, simply because these issues will be tackled with more and more vigor and purpose anyway already.

16) Technical sciences. Boosting scientific developments is not surprisingly of crucial importance for shaping the world after Point Omega. This holds for psychological and related sciences, as mentioned above, but also for technical sciences. That this item shows relatively low on the list of priorities is due to the fact that rather automatically sufficient energy, time and money will be invested in these developments. There is hardly an extra boost needed.

17) Medical Sciences. Equally, Medical Sciences have been put in a low position on the priority list. Apart from what people generally think about the reasons why medical care and medical knowledge are so important, we wish to point out one crucial effect of good medical care that is of importance for how the transition to the era of conscious evolution will come about. Good medical care namely, makes longevity of our species increase. And that in turn implies that decision making will increasingly be in the hands of older and more experienced people. And that in turn is equal to saying that less decision making will be left to inexperienced youngsters who have not yet learned to deal with their testosterone boosted social reflexes or the female equivalents of it in a prudent way. For instance, male inclinations towards group aggression and female brainless procreational impulses will have lower chances to run out of hand. This beneficial collateral effect of longevity will be one of the major ingredients of the after Point Omega society. Anyway, Medical Sciences will automatically receive sufficient support from society and therefore a high place on this priority list is not needed.

Relax .......... we can afford it now

<level 1>   The main tenet on this Wiki is that we are now entering the shift of human society into Point Omega, and beyond. Indications are that humanity has already entered the accelerating phase in this transition and that we are already beyond the "point of no return". What is certain, according to the information on this Wiki, is that Point Omega will happen, sooner or later, automatically and unavoidably, simply because that is how human behaviour has been organized and has evolved up to this point. And yes, we think that we already have entered the predicted accelerating phase. That this is not generally recognized already is mainly due to the fact that human awareness very strongly is hindered by myopic effects, making it almost impossible for humans to see the broad and complete picture. Our horizons are very narrow indeed.

From the contributions on this Wiki one might deduct that this Omega Transition, being of more influence and importance than the agricultural revolution, and bringing untold changes and advantages to the whole of mankind, is very much worth fighting for. And of course, this is very much true. Of all possible targets and goals, helping Point Omega to proceed appears to be the most useful possible, rightly deserving all our best efforts. Having listed in the above chapter the priorities that we could handle to make our choices about what to do first and what second, we could embrace the attitude of "let's not waste any time, but go for it right away with all power available". The conclusion does emerge that such is the best thing to do, with all energy available. We seem not to have time to waste, because we really still do have to do a thing or two !

However, this motivation also would tie in perfectly with the pre-Point-Omega general attitude of "telic dominance" and the customary out-of-balance "goal directedness". And this tencency is very seductive indeed. But, what in fact would facilitate the necessary shifts towards Point Omega best is more relaxation of all participants involved. So, our message should rather be: ...... RELAX. Allow yourself the time to come back into balance, into emotional and motivational balance. Only then the paratelic states will emerge more frequently and only thus you will be able to correctly perceive the situations at hand and choose prudently the most effective ways to proceed from here. Only when anchored in a proper telic/patatelic emotional and motivational balance, a person can grow into great enough strength and capacities to make a difference for the whole of society at all. So, RELAX ........, we can afford it now.

Looking at the world-wide situation of humanity, we are basically in a very comfortable position. We have unprecedented amounts of energy at our disposal. We are producing plenty of food to feed the whole world populations, be it that we still don't manage to distribute it effectively enough. We are living in the middle of an avalanche of technological innovations, making life proceedingly easier. Basically, this is an era of plenty, no matter what problems the newspapers present to us each day. So, what we can do, what we can afford to do, is just STOP ! RELAX ........

We can afford it now, at last. So, let's enjoy it ! And besides, that way we best boost an increasing frequency of paratelic states in as many people as possible. The articles on this Wiki have explained how that works. And the restoration of mankind's emotional and motivational balance is the most important trick of all. No feelings of guilt for laziness needed. The theory explains how paratelic states will automatically emerge sooner or later once relaxation has done its job.

So, give it a chance. That's what the world really needs at this moment in time: your and everybody's paratelic states, in sufficient frequencies. Don't worry, relax, and a thing or two will happen to you !