Directives for after Point Omega
(This page is under construction)
- 1 What next ?
- 2 Facts we need to take into account
- 3 Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself
- 4 Procreate consciously
- 5 Assume responsibility for every human being in existence
- 6 Democratization of education
- 7 Genetic Pollution
- 8 Awareness versus taboos
- 9 Time to wake up
- 10 After Point Omega ....................
- 11 Avoiding Good-Bad social reflexes
What next ?
After Point Omega, humanity finds itself in a totally novel situation. We will have left the situation in which consciousness was evolving up to Point Omega and we will have entered the situation of conscious evolution, the beginning of which is Point Omega. Many of the rules, regulating societies before Point Omega will become superfluous or counter-productive and will vanish as a consequence. In fact, most of the limiting rules, needed in the old situation(s), dictating our behavioural possibilities and impossibilities, will lose their necessity. This will release enormous amounts of energy in all participants, energy that can forthwith be spent on more useful, more creative and more productive goals then merely keeping each other in check.
Having sorted out all or most theoretical issues that we need to know in order to assess our situation properly and correctly, we can now come to a listing of what is awaiting us, which options we do have and which options do not exist or otherwise are "no go" areas and what would be the most clever issues to work on, in order to make our transition as smooth as possible.
Before starting with a listing of useful directives as given further below, it seems useful to first rehearse the most important findings of the research reported on this Wiki, that will have to be taken into account when ruminating such directives.
Facts we need to take into account
Human beings have extremely little capacity to understand their own or each other's behaviour. As a consequence human beings behave essentially like other Apes behave, no matter their intellectual pretense. We can call this Self-Blindness.
At the cognitive level Human beings utilize an important tool to consolidate that Self-Blindness, which is the Good-Bad polarity. Good-Bad differences refer not to any real behavioural differences, although people tend to think that they do, but in reality refer to different likings or appreciations from the side of the onlooker or "judge" that serve to stabilize existing ideas (prejudices) of one person about the other. The Good-Bad dimension therefore stabilizes social relationships while preventing (effectively shielding off) any understanding of the social mechanisms involved. It helps ascertain that human beings keep acting socially to a large extent like other Great Apes.
Self-Blindness has evolved in Homo sapiens as a consequence of, or rather a condition for higher intelligence.
Since the agricultural revolution, since the period of 10.000 years ago till 5.000 years ago, Human evolution was taken over by an evolution on the level of "memes" or of "software". The latter evolution moves at a much higher speed than the traditional level of DNA or "hardware" evolution. The evolution of the hardware (DNA-based) is therefore lagging behind as compared to the evolution of the "software" (Memes, Culture). But, since we humans are carriers of both genes ánd of memes, this causes motivational friction in individuals of Homo sapiens, which friction is structural. We call this friction the evolutionary "Jet Lag".
Agriculture needs power structures at the cultural level (software-level). These power structures in fact have taken over the lead in Human evolution. As carriers of the power structure "memes", human individuals tend to be pushed into a state of mild or harsh slavery.
Power structures have evolved in such a way, that they developed a myriad of tricks to subdue and control their carriers. One of the tricks is to neuriticize their human carriers. Whereas this customary neurotization strongly reduces the capacity of human individuals to realize their full innate behavioural repertoires, it improves their maleability and adaptation to slavery. Power structures need large masses of malleable slaves and military ("cannon fodder" these days). Power structures compete with one another at such levels, and that determines the direction of our evolution.
Self-Blindness has always prevented humanity to understand the most basic elements of the fundamentals of our behaviour, to the extent that we even do not have daily used words for the most essential basic elements of our behaviour. That way the mechanisms of emotional and motivational reversals have always escaped our attention and stayed hidden, in spite of the fact that these mechanisms are the very cornerstones of any behaviour in species with an open ended capacity for learning, in particular in us humans.
Repair of the Blindness for our own emotional and motivational reversals harbours untold opportunities to open completely novel and more mature and wholesome avenues of regulation and support of us human beings. It opens up the road for intelligently regard ourselves as well as regard each other.
Behavioural differences between individuals in socially living species are partly based on genetics. One of these congenital personality dimensions is "differences in adaptiveness versus creative innovation". Involuntary and automatic selection forces within social structures cause shifts in average genetic make up of the group members. That results in a limited life span of any social structure of socially living mammals, including in human societies and other social human structures. Depending on the level of social organization that mechanism leads to turn-over catastrophes like "bankruptcy", "revolution", "genocide" and similar phenomena. Whereas this mechanism throughout the ages always has made any stable social structure in human societies impossible, the mechanism doesn't need to cause much concern at this moment. Once Conscious Evolution has been started up, the sting can be taken out of this primordial mechanism and it can be replaced by more agreeable mechanisms.
Another mechanism with a genetic basis that until now has always been kept hidden from awareness by means of taboo-structures is genetic pollution. That mechanism in itself has always already been enough to make any stable social organization impossible to survive for long. Genetic pollution has always been a sufficient extra reason to make (peaceful) social organizations collapse in due time. But also this mechanism does not need to fill us with much concern. Even where this mechanism is still out of our awareness, the start of Conscious Evolution will easily make this problem be tackled successfully in the slipstream of events.
- Among other things: "Curiosity replacing fear, rather than scientific thinking replacing superstition". ****************(work out)***********
Below are some of the rules that will apply, also, or especially, in the new situation.
Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself
This also stems from Christian tradition and from Buddhist tradition.
This also pertains to other species than the human race. Self actualization brings forth automatically a raised compassion with all forms of life, because there is more emotional space. This involuntarily results in "good stewardship" over nature, an old Christian ideal.
Procreate consciously
There is no need to receive children with handicaps, nor to produce them. Parents, and also governments with all their guidance potential, have a responsibility towards newborn life. Every newborn is entitled to be wished for and to be received with joy and love. This includes the parental care for the quality of the new life, also in the planning phase. Medical and biological knowledge and skills make suffering from innate defects large and by unnecessary from Point Omega on.
This principle will automatically put an end to overpopulation. Statistics show that the percentage of children, born unwanted, is such that if that category will end, numbers will rapidly decrease.
Technically speaking, there will be no need to restrict the number of children, permitted per parent, by force. Chinese methods are, or will soon be, superfluous. Helping parents to avoid unwished for children, will already be enough to reduce the average reproduction rate to below 2,0 per woman. Governments had better spend their energy in counter-effecting the tendency of "the most stupid people reproducing fastest". The latter is one of the major forces that exert their influence during the evolution of intelligence, up to Point Omega. See the chapter on the mechanisms of the emergence and evolution of intelligence (**)(#5), holding for any universe, either real or hypothetical.
Assume responsibility for every human being in existence
One of the basic characteristics for after Point Omega is that every human being should be guaranteed a relatively stress-free life. Such a situation is already the ideal of many societies and political systems. However, more often than not, such striving appears to be quite difficult to bring into practice. And besides, many societies do not embrace such a principle at all. Until this moment in history principles of "survival of the fittest" and the "struggle for life" have dominated the situation. And such principles were very necessary in order to maintain a certain required level of genetic selection pressure. Without such selection pressures genetic pollution and degeneration quickly put an end to any societies' survival.
After Point Omega however, "conscious evolution" will have taken over and therefore the stress of selection struggles will have become superfluous. The consequence of this change in evolutionary demands is that there finally will be (evolutionary) space for fair and just societies to be continued without end. Genetic pollution and social selection cycles can be countered with ease and the usual life span limitations of social structures can be by-passed.
The implication of such a novel situation is that we may set aside and overcome primordial reflexes of attraction and repulsion without in the end suffering the thereby speeded up life cycle end and total collapse of the social structures in question. And that in turn implies that our very strong tendency to indulge in black/white or bad/good thinking regarding other people, will have lost its evolutionary "usefulness".
Having bypassed the ordinary needs for evolutionary selection pressures in our society and our social relations, we can at last safely refrain from denouncing adversaries, from scapegoating, from black/white thinking, etc. We can safely "love our neighbor like ourselves" without paying in the end the concomitant evolutionary penalty for it.
Even more, because we will have entered a situation where conscious evolution has taken over and that being in a democratic context, we are basically all together responsible for every human being being born on this earth. A situation will develop, where large and by humanity together decides how procreation will be given shape. Ultimately, that implies that everybody basically is co-responsible for every other human being that has been born. And that may be considered as one of the basic rules of the human world after Point Omega.
Conscious evolution has not yet been started up and it will probably take quite a number of generations before that state of affairs will have been consolidated. In the mean time however we can already get used to thinking along those terms. That will help to support individuals that have problems in functioning smoothly and properly. Many of such problem-people may need to be firmly controlled in order to avoid them causing harm to other people, but if we remember that we all together are responsible for their very existence, it is easier to maintain a supportive attitude. As argued elsewhere on this Wiki (...................) handing out "strokes" is the best medicine to help people regain proper rhythms of telic/paratelic reversals and thus regain growth towards fulfillment of their best innate capacities. Self-actualizers are more pleasant company than overstressed neurotics. And every "stroke" helps to bring that better option about.
These are the considerations why we need to assume responsibility for every human being in existence, and act accordingly.
It is clear that this general attitude of mutually assured respect and support is strikingly different from the pre-Omega condition of unlimited competition on all levels, ethnocentric cramps and reflexes, racism and genocide.
Democratization of education
Power structures lean among other things on an information privilege. Youngsters from privileged classes enjoy more opportunities for study and personal development than do youngsters from the working class. This situation does have a number of advantages for the structures in power. It stabilizes the position of power of the persons manning the power structure control positions, keeping control positions "in the family". Privileged wealth is one of the driving stimuli to keep this pattern going.
For society as a whole there is however also a strong disadvantage to this education privilege. That is that enormous quantities of talent are continuously being wasted, because stemming from the working and other lower classes of society. A society can potentially win vast advantages when exploiting all potential to the full, which can be achieved by making education levels just depend on individual potential and not on the incidental wealth of the family.
In some countries the availability of education for those who are capable is to some extent democratized. In those countries, now still a minority, the learning potential of the population is exploited to a higher extent. After Point Omega we may expect that this tendency to democratize education will further be perfected world wide. The results will be two-fold. First of all expensive education resources will not any more be wasted on stupid or less gifted members of the privileged classes. Those resources can then be utilized more effectively. In the second place almost all innate potential in the whole population can be utilized, where now only a fraction of that potential is coming to bloom.
Comparing the percentage of potential until now being realized world wide with what would potentially be realized afterPointOmega, leads to the conclusion that this education issue will be one of the major power sources for a stabilization of Point Omega developments. Only this one of the many basic changes around Point Omega does have the potential to change the world beyond recognition.
Genetic Pollution
De volgende 3 paragrafen (??) parafraseren en één paragraaf van maken. ???
Awareness versus taboos
✰✰ <level 2> Whereas the above discussed notions are not at the core of our present day cultural heritage, they used to be more common concerns just a couple of generations ago. Among other things by the misdemeanour of the Nazis these notions have been put away in taboo sections of our culture. The above considerations lead however to the conclusion that, in spite of the Nazi-inspired taboo on population genetic thinking on humans, we should effectively address our genetic make up and start to prevent genetic pollution to undermine any attempts to establish lasting fair and civilized societies.
We wish to point out here that in that respect we do not need to foster any fears as installed in us by what happened in the Third Reich. We do have all technological tools at our fingertips to help people avoid unwanted genetic defects in their offspring. And since the average human being can easily be brought to the point of paying attention to these genetic issues and act accordingly, there is basically no need whatsoever to exert strong pressures from above to enforce a genetic police system. Where it appears possible to seduce people for instance to buy the useless foods that they daily purchase in great quantities, it should be no problem at all to seduce them to follow a healthy management of their own offspring. The level of advertisement needed to achieve that is probably less intensive than the advertisement needed to make them continuously buy unwholesome quantities of junk food. All that is needed is a better level of awareness at all levels of society, breaking this specific veil of ignorance and superstition.
Time to wake up
✰✰ <level 2> To put it bluntly, humankind can only survive if it addresses effectively not only the unhampered growth of numbers, that is causing the destruction of the world’s ecological heritage, but also the effects of genetic pollution and deterioration, that will unavoidably cause the collapse of any serious attempt to establish a really civilized human community. All the necessary know how is now available. We just need to change focus, breaking taboos and ignorance and embrace awareness. Our civilization is getting global. Let’s take the war producing population genetic sting out, before it destroys us all. We cannot afford to have complete morons sit at the red buttons, which is what unavoidably happens more and more when ever increasing “genetic loads” are smothering any further possibility for adequate and intelligent action.
The stark truth is that most of us do behave as, and have been trained to behave as complete morons, adapted with force, under penalty of being ostracized, to systems of collective superstition, blindness and ignorance that block any tendency to come to our senses and take adequate decisions.
It is time to wake up. Further delay will become more and more “homo-cidal” to us all.
After Point Omega ....................
✰✰ <level 2> Let us consider shortly what we may expect on the level of human population genetics after we have "woken up". What will happen after Point Omega ?
Increased awareness of our genetic endowment, an increased general level of sober thinking and a strongly improved set of medical tools to assist us in family planning will result in an ever larger percentage of the population procreating consciously and voluntarily. That will increase the frequency couples are utilising genetic counseling for optimal procreational results. In the USA we have seen already a steady increase during the last decades of the use of genetic counseling. And these tendencies are spreading towards Europe and other wealthy regions as well.
Governments can easily induce more use of medical techniques for enhancing the quality of the offspring. Therefore it is not needed at all to use much government pressure and force. Nazi-like measures are not needed at all. Modern advertisement techniques are effective enough to help trigger such rational procreational methods to spread among the population widely.
The modern techniques of birth control enable parents to choose the proper time for procreation. These techniques are spreading rapidly all over the world. This has two very important consequences. One is that conscious procreation will stop the growth of overpopulation. If all unwanted children would not get born, the world population would stop to grow and the present overpopulation would come to a halt. The second consequence is that the genetic counseling going with a more conscious procreation would decrease levels of genetic load and pollution.
These effects will come automatically and unavoidably, simply because they have become possible and people like their effects. We may expect that contemporary taboos that are still blocking such developments, will gradually lose their power over us.
There will be more different effects on the population genetic level that we may expect to emerge after Point Omega. But the above examples will suffice to indicate the trend to be expected.
Avoiding Good-Bad social reflexes
(Dit parafraseren)
The ability to avoid being trapped by the tendency to indulge in Positive versus Negative Evaluation therefore is likely to be a prerequisite for manipulating population- and group-cycles at will. And since human population- and group-dynamics tend to be worked out nowadays at the level of (nuclear) war, genocide and economic strangling techniques, the skill of controlling such population-dynamic forces might be a prerequisite for man's survival.